

  • 트위터
  • 인스타그램1604
  • 유튜브20240110


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안도 타다오 Tadao ANDO


안도 타다오

Tadao ANDO

4.1 - 7.30 


Museum SAN

안도 타다오, 푼타 델라 도가나, 2007-09, 목제 모형, 1:100, 1800×1200×350mm, 사진: 시게오 오가와

Tadao ANDO, Model of Punta della Dogana, 2007-09, Wood Model, scale 1:100, 1800×1200×350mm, photo by Shigeo OGAWA

한솔문화재단이 운영하는 복합문화예술공간 뮤지엄SAN이 개관 10주년을 맞아 건축가 안도 타다오의 국내 대규모 개인전 ‘안도 타다오-청춘’을 개최한다. 전시 제목인 ‘청춘’은 안도 타다오의 건축에 대한 ‘끝없는 도전’이자 매일매일 더 나은 설계를 한다는 스스로의 신념이자 인생을 대하는 그의 ‘도전 의식’을 함축한다. 전시에서는 1969년부터 1990년대 중반 이후 세계 공공장소에서의 건축 작품들과 2020년 재개장한 프랑스 〈Bourse de Commerce〉 리노베이션 프로젝트에 이르기까지, 안도 타다오의 건축세계를 망라하는 대표작 250여 점을 소개한다. 특히 이번 전시에서는 ‘건축이란 무엇이며, 건축으로 무엇을 할 수 있는가?’ 등의 질문을 던지며 건축의 원점을 돌아보고 앞으로의 건축이 지닐 역할에 대해 함께 사유하고 나누는 기회를 마련하고자 한다. 이번 전시는 안도 타다오가 설계한 공간에서 열리는 최초의 전시회로, 단순히 건축가 한 명의 정제된 아카이브 전시가 아니라 건축이 미술사와 미학으로 넘어오는 지점을 살피는 의미 있는 과정을 확인할 수 있다.

Museum SAN, operated by the Hansol Cultural Foundation, is holding Korea’s first large-scale solo exhibition on the architectural world of world-class architect Tadao ANDO in celebration of its 10th anniversary. The title of the exhibition, ‘Youth’, implies the ‘endless challenge’ of Tadao ANDO’s architecture, his belief in making better designs every day, and his sense of challenge in dealing with life. The exhibition includes 250 of Tadao ANDO’s most representative works, spanning from 1969 to recent public constructions worldwide, including the 〈Bourse de Commerce〉 renovation project in France 2020. Held in the space designed by Tadao ANDO himself, ‘Tadao ANDO-Youth’ is Korea’s first exhibition of its kind, offering a meaningful exploration of the intersection between architecture and art history. Visitors will have the opportunity to reflect on the significance of architecture and its role in shaping the future.

하단 정보


03015 서울 종로구 홍지문1길 4 (홍지동44) 김달진미술연구소 T +82.2.730.6214 F +82.2.730.9218